The Glass Workshop

After an observation period and receiving positive feedback from vintners, we boldly decided, in 2017, to launch our own Wineglobe production plant in Bordeaux. With the support and guidance of new engineers and by ramping up the glass-related skills of our internal R&D and Atelier Paetzold teams, the Glass Workshop is materializing. It is still under construction and we hope to melt our first vats by the summer of 2021. They will hold 400 liters
Living up to that challenge represents a true technical, human and financial feat for us. It is perfectly in synch with our DNA as far as creation and ‘made in France’

Made In France

• Consistency

We fully control the entire process so as to provide tools that completely suit oenology.

• Oenological & oenotechnical awareness

Thanks to our teams’ long experience and expertise, we can minutely monitor batches and vintages all along the way.

• Reactivity and production perfection

We are able to make adjustments at every stage from the first draft to delivery. It’s a quality guarantee because our physical presence on site ensures such reactivity and control during each production step.

• Being part of the great ‘Made in France’ experience   

We have always been intent on manufacturing in France to support and showcase the skills that stand for quality as well as encouraging the local and responsible economy. Manufacturing in France is also a way of respecting the environment: an original creation with a perennial material (investment over the next 10/20 years).

« En produisant français nous ne sommes pas dans un effet mode mais bien dans notre philosophie depuis 1991. Nous avons à cœur de nous engager, de suivre pas à pas nos solutions de la conception à la fabrication. Nos innovations proposent du sens, le meilleur de nos savoir-faire et une qualité optimale.»

« Le groupe a fait de la performance environnementale l’un des piliers de sa stratégie, au même titre que la créativité, l’innovation ou la qualité d’exécution.»